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6 Steps to a Successful Start as a New Manager
Author: Corporate Performance Resources
Category: Online Management/Leadership Training > Leadership
So you are going to be a manager now? Congratulations! This is an exciting experience yet it is filled with risk and uncertainty. This e-learning course provides practical tips and strategies to help you successfully move into your new leadership role. When you have completed the course, yo...
Keywords: leadership, manager, New Start, Corporate Training Solutions
Avoid the Quicksand
Recognize the Opportunities
Unpack the Emotional Issues
Check Your Expectations about Performance
Embrace Best Practices
Focus Your Energy
This course works well with Internet Explorer (v 8 - higher), Firefox, and Google Chrome. Please make sure you have Adobe Flash Player installed and that you are running the latest version of Flash Player, go to to check your version or get Flash We highly recommend at least 2-3 Mbps connection speed.
To survive today's ever changing and high pressure workplace, effective leaderss must learn to re-create themselves. CPR provides the tools and resources leaders need to meet the challenges with confidence.